這難度好高,不過生活在確診、隔離、工作、家庭、財務等各種變數的時候,這圖像還挺貼切的,想一想,環境讓我們練就了一身好功夫 😂In this unfortunately topical combination, we have the #2ofPentacles figure on the #HangedMan scene.This is a sacrifice of sorts. A sorting. A situation where it has become even more difficult in the circumstances to concentrate and balance the books. All we can do is hang on.The "cost" (pentacles) of "Living" is illustrated by this combination, amongst many other potential interpretations depending on the question, other cards and the oracular moment.It illustrates both the combination of the Hanged Man and 2 of Pentacles in a reading, but to some extent the influence of a Major on a Minor.In this case, the 'suspended' nature of the Major really impacts the 'dynamic' of the Minor, turning it literaly upside-down, as if it were reversed.Combining cards as stories, by separating the pictures into figures, props and backdrop, definitely brings the cards to life~~😘😘